Historicity of The Flood

Anthony P Stone stone_catend at COMPUSERVE.COM
Wed Jun 9 07:01:12 UTC 1999

On June 7, 1999, Paolo Magnone wrote

>In the extant account, the "ark" is not really a ship, but a
>quite unsuitable, one would think, for navigation.

On the contrary, Frederick A. Filby points out that the Ark's length,
breadth, height of 300, 50, 30 cubits are in almost the same ratio as for
the ship 'Great Britain' (designed 1844): 322, 51, 32.5 feet.

Reference: Filby, F.A., The Flood Reconsidered.  Zondervan Publishing
House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1971, p.93.

Tony Stone

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