Secular South Asia

Venkatraman Iyer venkatraman_iyer at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 8 00:27:39 UTC 1999

The experience of Turkey was a taboo subject in India and even
MK Gandhi, the so called secularist, supported the Khalfat movement
of Ali Brothers. There is no tradition of secularism in India at all
comparable to Kamal Pasha. Even to this day most muslims disdain Kamal
Pasha and Turkey is having hard time keeping secularist tradition.
A moslem fundamentalist party somewhat comparable to RSS in India
had taken lead in recent polls and had even given one Prime Minister.

It is very wishful thinking to assume that any one in India will be
interested in Turkish experiment. Even the Europeans do not support
the secularism in Turkey at the behest of Greece and did not let
Turkey join EU even though it is a member of NATO.

India has never been a secular country under Gandhi/Nehru dynasty
which has relied on the religious divisions to maintain their power
base. Gandhi/Nehru did not trust any muslim with any important
position of power while they were alive and had they been willing to
compromise, the division of India could have been avoided.

By keeping the artificial divisions alive and growing,
South Asians waste a good amount of scarce resources.
This will only ensure that we all remain poor for a looooong

South Asian Union (SAU) one day! I know only
God can do this for us.

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