undeciphered inscription

Martin Bemmann martin.bemmann at URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Sat Jun 5 10:28:40 UTC 1999

Dear List,

on behalf of my colleague Dr. Nasim Khan from Peshawar University I
would like to draw your attention to an undeciphered inscription on
shist stone from Gandhara in the collection of the Department of
Archaeology, Univ. Peshawar. I placed an image on our homepage and I
would ask everybody interested to take a look at it
Suggestions please send offlist to knasim at hotmail.com and/or to the

Martin Bemmann
Heidelberg Academy for the Humanities and Sciences
>Rock Carvings and Inscriptions along the Karakorum Highway<
Karlstr. 4  - D-69117 Heidelberg Germany

mailto:martin.bemmann at urz.uni-heidelberg.de

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