Gatekeeper gods; Skanda in Buddhism

Venkatraman Iyer venkatraman_iyer at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Jul 19 12:18:38 UTC 1999

[3.  More generally, is there any reference to Skanda in Indian (Sanskrit)
Buddhist texts?  -- I know that in the Chinese
translation(s) of the suutra, there are some
references to a god named Weituo; scholars generally consider this
name as an incorrect transliteration of Skanda (it should have been
something like "Jiantuo").  But it seems that the Sanskrit text at
this passage is lacking (I learned this just some days
ago from Mr. Robert M Gimello in another mailing list).
The name "Weituo" (or rather "Jiantuo") may be a transliteration of
"Skandha" as well (there
seems to be a reference to a named "Kharaskandha" in the suutra). ]

   Does Weituo or Jiantuo in Chinese mean some thing like
  "the one with a spear" or "the beautiful god"?

   V. Iyer

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