Indology constraints (contd.)

Artur Karp hart at POLBOX.COM
Tue Jul 13 08:10:26 UTC 1999

As Indology participants cannot be expected  to know all Indian
languages, I think it would be good form if discutants always provided
quotations from original texts with translations. Tedious - maybe. But
certainly more educational.

> From a recent posting (birth of mAl):

>To quote the fuller context from his commentary:
>"tiratciyaik koNTa avuNarai venRa
>pon2n2Arc ceyta mAlaiyin2ai uTaiya
>mAmaiyai uTaiyOn2 piRanta ONamAkiya nan2n2AL"

It's quite possible that the lines contain important information. How an
ignoramus like myself (I don't believe I am going to learn Tamil) would know


Artur Karp
University of Warsaw

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