Indology constraints (contd.)

John Smith jds10 at CAM.AC.UK
Thu Jul 8 08:39:16 UTC 1999

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, L.S.Cousins wrote:

> S. Palaniappan writes:
> >In light of the above and the digest option available, do we really need the
> >constraints at all? What do others think?
> Yes. Very much so. The list is much improved since the constraints
> were introduced.

I was on the point of unsubscribing from the list when the constraints
were introduced. I shall certainly do so if they are withdrawn.

If S. Palaniappan would like a high-traffic group, he is free to set one

John Smith

Dr J. D. Smith                *  jds10 at
Faculty of Oriental Studies   *  Tel. 01223 335140 (Switchboard 01223 335106)
Sidgwick Avenue               *  Fax  01223 335110
Cambridge CB3 9DA             *

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