Patanjali native of Tamil Land and brother of TirumUlar?

Chandrasekaran, Periannan Periannan.Chandrasekaran at DELTA-AIR.COM
Wed Jan 6 23:17:08 UTC 1999

I came across the following:

1. Dr. N. Kandaswamy states
"Since Patanjali has been considered to be a native of
 Chidambaram and his acquaitance in Tamil has been attested by scholars,
in his article in English titled "The Rhetorical Tradition in Tolkappiyam"
appearing on
page 312 of  the proceedings of an international symposium conducted in Aug
97, tilted
"Tolkappiya IlakkiyakkOtpAtukaL"  (meaning "Literary Principles in
published by The International Institute of Tamil Studies, Chennai,  date of
He however does not cite any references.

2. Dr.K.V.Jegannathan states in one of his books (I cannot recall the exact
book and
it is most likely in his "tirumurukARRuppatai viLakkam")
"Patanjali was a brother of ThirumUlar and was a student of DaskhiNAmUrti".

3. All the four students of DakshiNAmUrti, namely Sanan, Sanathkumar et al.
are brothers.
[found in the appendix of a publication of TuLasidAs's Ramacharita mAnAs; it
these four were the "mind-born" sons of Brahma]. I will give the exact name
of the publication

4. I am sure I am not the only one that has heard songs and read quite a few
articles that associate Patanjali with the NatarAjA of Chidambaram.

I would appreciate any comments by the Indology audience.


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