More "hiraNyagarbha" ceremony

jayabarathi jaybee at TM.NET.MY
Sat Jan 30 09:12:17 UTC 1999

At 07:00 AM 1/29/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Is Danti Sakthi ViTanki a Rashtrakuta Princess?
>Dantidurga, the Rashtrakuta founder performs the hiranyagarbha.
>His descendent, Amoghavarsha boasts about it many years later.
>Then, may be, Danti Sakti ViTanki makes Raja Raja Chola I, her
>husband, to do hiraNyagarbha at TiruvisalUr!
>Kind regards,
>Swaminathan Madhuresan

        The RAshtrakUta Connection is it?
        Well, I stumbled upon still another episode of Hiranyagabha performed
by the ChOlas.
        It was performed by ParAntaka Chola. 907-953 A.D. He has done both the
TulAbAra DAna and the HEmagarbha DAna. This fact is mentioned in
hisUdayEndram Copper Plates.
        ParAntaka was the great great grand-father of RajaRaja I. During his time,
the RAshtrakUtas were holding sway over the Deccan and KarnatAka.  He was
the son
of Aditya Chola and ILango Pichchi, who was the daughter of RAshtrakUta
Krishna II.
He in turn gave his daughter in marriage to RAshtrakUta GovindaVI.
        RAjaRAja's paternal grandmother was the Vaidumba princess, KalyANi.
Just before RajaRaja came to throne, the RAshtrakUtas were overthrown by the
Western ChAlukyas. Almost immediately they became the sworn enemies of the
ChOlas. But the RAshtrakUtas were still lingering until the late 10th century.
It is quite possible that RAjaRAja's marriage with a RAshtrakUta princess to
have taken place. A diplomatic manoever made to off-set and imbalance
the delicate power-structure of the South.
        But the question, "Was Danti Sakti Vitanki, a RAshtrakUta princess?"
It can't be established at present. But the possibilities do exist.
        But why do we have to assume that the ChOlas did the Hiranyagarbha
under RAshtrakUtan influece?
        The early Tamil kings of the Sangam Age were already
performing the RajasUya and Asvamedha sacrifices. There was a PANdya king,
PalyAgasAlai Mudhu Kudumi PeruValzhudhi- the "MudhuKudumi PeruValzudhi
of many YAga SAlas". Some square coins belonging to PeruValzudhi with
the emblem of a horse have been found.
        One early ChOla of Sangam Age- RAjasUyam VEtta PerunaRkiLLi
earns his name because of having performed the RAjasUya sacrifice.




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