madhura subhASiNI of mAyUram

N. Ganesan naga_ganesan at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 27 01:14:51 UTC 1999

In Tevaram, Parvati in various shrines is named
after her 'sweet speech'.

Goddess - Temple site:
karumpu amaru mozi maTavAL - kOyil (Chidambaram)
kuyil Arum men2 moziyAL - maNaJcEri
karumpoTu paTum colin2 maTantai - puRampayam
maTa mozi maGkai - vEtikuTi
paNNin2 nEr moziyAL - karukAvUr
paN taTavu colli - tEvUr
yAzan2a mozi umai - viLamar
tEn2 mozip pAvai - kOTTUr
pAlin2 moziyAL - vAymUr
yAzaip pazittan2n2a mozi maGkai - maRaikkATu
aJcol aNiyizai - paraGkun2Ru
tEn2il poli moziyAL - koTumkun2Ram
tEn2 amarum mozi mAtu - koTumuTi
iLamkiLLai arivai - acciRupAkkam(Whose speech is as sweet as a parrot)

Because of so many parallels, I submit that 'aJcolAL' is the
old, original name of the Goddess at Maayuuram.
Mistaking it as 'aJcalAL', it was translated as
'abhayAmbA'. Note that Goddess is never described
in Tevaram with the function of giving abhaya/anjal.

In the French Institute of Pondichery, Tevaram edition
T. V. Gopal Iyer has corrected this to be 'aJcalAL".
But old Tevaram editions call this term 'aJcolAL'.
May be the underlying assumption is Sanskrit name ought
to be correct.

N. Ganesan

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