dakSiNAmUrti story

jayabarathi jaybee at TM.NET.MY
Mon Jan 25 09:25:25 UTC 1999

At 08:19 PM 1/24/99 -0500, you wrote:

You might have noticed a stanza on Dakshinamurti by Paranjoti
>Munivar in all Siva temples. At least, I have seen it in every Siva
>temple I visited. I forget the verse now, but it has a verse which goes
>something like
>collAmar colli, iruntatai irunta paDi kATTi ....
>collAmar colli, ofcourse referring to the "silence" of Dakshinamurti.

        "collAmaR colli, irundhadhai irundhapadi kAtti......."
        Its the CinMudra.
        The "silence" of DakshiNAmUrthi is something else:-)





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