Sumerian-MuNDa parallels

Yaroslav V. Vassilkov yavass at YV1041.SPB.EDU
Fri Jan 22 09:27:30 UTC 1999

Attn.: linguists on the list.
Some of you may find interesting a recent article:
Igor M. Diakonoff. External Connections of the Sumerian Language. - "Mother
Tongue". Journal of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory.
Issue III (Dec., 1997), pp. 54-62.
        It contains an attempt at formulating differences and similiarities
between Sumerian and MuNDa in order to check the possibility of the genetic
connection. A short list of lexical parallels (34 items) between Sumerian
and Kherwari is added. In the author's view the research in this direction may probably
help to find an answer to the old question: Where did the Sumerians come
from? The author's interest in the matter is purely academic. I mean that he
does not try to prove that Sumerians colonized India, or that Munda people
invaded Mesopotamia, or that somebody converted somebody, etc.
        Best regards,
                                Yaroslav Vassilkov

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