etymology of tree name "maraam" and the geography of the mara am t ree

Sun Jan 17 03:31:07 UTC 1999

   The tree is such an entity that a part of life revolves around them
for any community and not to have a generic name for trees would be
strange indeed however ill-devoloped the language group is.
 Maram could not have been an imported or assimilated word.
To compare it to farsi or turkish could be only coincidental-like
someone who tried to link up english <force> -military set up
to tamil <por cai> -make war!
However, the etym. of maram needs a deeper search.
Incidentally, the tamil chedi is generic for plants while <chettu>
in neighbouring telugu could also mean a tree- both are akin
to jhad in northern languages.

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