Tibetan Origin of Tantrism and Siva

Erik Hoogcarspel jehms at KABELFOON.NL
Fri Jan 15 16:11:50 UTC 1999

Op donderdag, 14-jan-99 schreef Paul Kekai Manansala:

PKM> Who said anything about samsara? The alchemy of Taoism has much in
PKM> common with that of Tantrism including the centrality of the
PKM> interaction of opposites.

I mkae a difference between tantra and rasayana, about the latter I've no
knowledge about the first, but I'm sure that the mainstream of tantra is
meant as the way to moksha.

PKM>>> Then Shiva-Shakti is the same as Yin-Yang.

PKM>> This is pure nonsens yin and yang are not antropological concepts,
PKM>> more
PKM>> like the gu.na's in saamkhya. Originally they were the shady and the
PKM>> sunny
PKM>> side of a mountain.

PKM> This is erroneous.  Yin and yang have stood for opposites from some of
PKM> the earliest literature to include male and female, receptive and
PKM> creative. Yin and Yang are the original creative forces from which
PKM> the entire universe evolved according to the Nei Ching (Manual
PKM> of the Yellow Emperor). A quote from Veith's translation:

PKM> "The principle of Yin and Yang is the basis of the entire universe. It
PKM> is the principle of creation. It brings about the transformation to
PKM> parenthood; it is the root and source of life and death..."

If yoy would know anything about Chinese texts you would know that the work
called now the Nei Ching is a forgery. In the Tao-te Ching it appears that
yin is the preactive fase of cosmic energy and yang the subsequent active
fase. So both are very much comparable with the positive and negative pool
of electricity. The same opinion you'll find in the commentaries of the I
Ching and in neoconfucianism FI Chou Tun-i.


  Erik Hoogcarspel           <    jehms at kabelfoon.nl     ><
Boerhaaveln 99b     >
                             <    tl+31.(0)104157097    ><       3112 LE
Schiedam    >
                             <    fx+31.(0)842113137    ><       Holland

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