Bhagavadgita and Mahabharata (was: SV: creation of human kind)
Georg von Simson
g.v.simson at EAST.UIO.NO
Fri Jan 15 11:18:00 UTC 1999
Mani Varadarajan wrote (I quote only one passage of his answer to N. Ganesan):
>I think you should be a lot more skeptical.
>There is not even any manuscript evidence that the Gita was
>interpolated into the Mahabharata ...
There is indeed manuscript evidence for the interpolation of the Gita in
the Mahabharata: Immediately *after* the Bhagavadgita, the narrator
continues in 6.42.2 (Poona edition):
bhrAtRbhiH sahito rAjan putro duryodhanas tava |
bhISmaM pramukhataH kRtvA prayayau saha senayA ||
Instead of the first line, several northern manuscripts (B, Da, Dn, D4,5,8)
bhrAtus tad vacanaM zrutvA putro DuHzAsanas tava ("When Duhsasana had
heard these words of his brother")
and this can only refer to a passage several chapters *before* the
Bhagavadgita, i.e. Duryodhana's admonition to Duhsasana 6.16.11-20 to
protect Bhisma. That the verses belong together in this way is confirmed by
a parallel in 6.95.4-23 which ends with precisely the same lines:
bhrAtus tad vacanaM zrutvA putro DuHzAsanas tava |
bhISmaM pramukhataH kRtvA prayayau saha senayA ||
So - though all the mansucripts used by the Poona edition contain the Gita
- the variae lectiones leave little doubt that there once existed
manuscripts which did not include the Bhagavadgita and the chapters
preceding it.
I have presented these facts in detail in my article (in German) in
Indo-Iranian Journal 11 (1969), p. 159-174. Angelika Malinar in her recent
(and otherwise highly recommendable) book (in German) on the Bhagavadgita
("rAjavidyA: Das koenigliche Wissen um Herrschaft und Verzicht. Studien zur
BhagavadgItA", Wiesbaden 1996, = PurANa Research Publications, Tuebingen,
Vol. 5) has tried to refute my arguments, without convincing me, because
she does not take the manuscriptual evidence seriously. I agree with her,
though, that the Gita probably has been devised for the Mahabharata and not
as an independent text.
Georg v. Simson
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