SV: SV: Sanskrit translations in Nazi hands

Bijoy Misra bmisra at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Sat Jan 9 12:12:42 UTC 1999

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Robert Zydenbos wrote:

> At 10:23 08.01.99 -0600, SNS wrote:
> >I agree with you. Also in a previous message you mentioned
> >that all German scholars should not be painted with a Nazi brush.
> >I completely agree to that as well.
> >
> >At the same time, is it too much to ask that the same consideration
> >be extended to Indian scholars who do not agree to the AI/M theory ?
> ???
> Nazi scholars = those who committed themselves to a political ideology that
> is detrimental to the advance of scientific knowledge
> Indian scholars who do not agree to AI/M = those who do *not* commit
> themselves to a view that is politically motivated and is not supported by
> relevant scientific material

Without taking sides, it's safe to say that the "scientific material"
can be "arranged" to make a point of view look credible.  Ptolemic
universe looked credible for a long period of time!  There are
some horrendous theories on what cells are, as we speak.  Truth
needs opemindedness, objective interpretation and above all, new
information.  It's good to see that all are working towards it.

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