'sari' (Attn: H M Hubey)
K. S. Arjunwadkar
panini at PN2.VSNL.NET.IN
Thu Jan 7 02:04:59 UTC 1999
At 08:05 PM 1/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Is there a root from which this word derives? What is its etymology?
>K. S. Arjunwadkar wrote:
>> Jan 6, 99
>> If the word 'sari' is meant to stand for Indian women's clothing
>> (overwear!), then it comes from Sk 'shaaTii' through Pk 'saaDii', a word
>> still in use in Marathi. The sound D in Indian languages is represented by
>> r in English spellings of Indian words. (DhArwAr for DhArwAd.)
>> KSA
>Best Regards,
>hubeyh at montclair.edu =-=-=-= http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey
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Jan 7, 99
H M Hubey:
Paanini's list of roots does note a root 'shaT' (I P.) meaning 'to be sick,
to divide, separate, to be dissolved, to be weary or dejected, to go' and a
root 'shaT' (X A.) meaning 'to praise, flatter' (Apte's Dictionary). As in
the case of many words, it is difficult to relate the root-meaning to the
meaning of the derivative in use.
I failed to understand the significance of the caution at the end of your
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