Paishaacika Sanskrit?

Ferenc Ruzsa f_ruzsa at ISIS.ELTE.HU
Sat Feb 20 20:50:44 UTC 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gansten
>the irregularities could be due to Prakrit influence. If such
>is the case, do you think that could help in dating the text at all?
Dear Martin,

I am afraid I cannot help you in this matter. The non-standard forms you
mentioned already occur in Pali (kamme for kammAni only in Pl. Acc., as far
as I know), and that means your text could be even that old (3rd cent BCE?).
They _may_ point to the author or a copyist having an older Prakrit as a
first language, and I think that would suggest (perhaps the first half of)
the first millenium CE. But I really don't know anything about the typical
irregularities of later texts. I feel a Tantra specialist would be the
person you need.

Ferenc Ruzsa

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