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Shrikant Bahulkar bahulkar at ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE
Fri Feb 12 13:35:03 UTC 1999

Dear Members,
The article by T.R. Chitamani is available in one of the libraries in
Pune, India, probably in the library of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, Bhandarkar Road, Pune 411007, India. The librarian of that
Institute will be able to send a copy of the said article.
Guest Professor,
Freie University Berlin,
Institut für Indische Philologie und Kunstgeschicte,
D-14195 Berlin.
On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Kern Institute Library wrote:

> Dear members,
> We are looking for an article by T.R. Chintamani, 'Edition of fragments of
> Paithinasi Dharmasutra' whcih was published in the Annals of Oriental Research
> (Univ. of Madras), vol. IV (1939-40), i, 40ff.
> If anybody knows where this journal is available or if there is another way
> to get a copy of this article, please contact:
>         Arlo Griffiths
>         e-mail: A.Griffiths at
> Thanking you,
> Dory Heilijgers
> librarian of the Kern Institute
> Leiden University

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