Aryavarta/bharata varsha

Harold F. Arnold hfarnold at LANMINDS.COM
Fri Feb 5 02:41:55 UTC 1999

>Dear members of the net,
>I am looking for bibliographic references to "aryavarta"/bharata varsha",
>particularly in the Puranic context. I would be grateful if any of you had any
>Lars Martin Fosse
>Dr. art. Lars Martin Fosse
>Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
>0674 Oslo
>Phone/Fax: +47 22 32 12 19
>Email: lmfosse at

Although it deals with an earlier period than the one you are interested
in, Egon Brucker's book, Die spatvedische Kulturepoche nach den Quellen der
Srauta-, Grhya- und Dharmasutras, discusses the extent of
"aryavarta"/bharata varsha," and includes a large bibliography.

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