Couple of Questions

Stuart R. Sarbacker srsarbac at STUDENTS.WISC.EDU
Thu Feb 4 06:40:33 UTC 1999

Revered Indologists,

I'm wondering if anyone can recommend an entry-level book which would
provide translations for Sanskrit names found in literature.  The
book/dictionary would need to be accessible for non-Sanskit/Hindi literate
individuals.  The person who asked me whether such a book existed or not is
taking an entry-level Indian Literature class, and right now they are
reading J.A.B. van Buitenen's text _Tales of Ancient India_.   Any
suggestions would be helpful.  Maybe just force him to learn devanagari?

Also, I was wondering whether Karel Werner is still around and working and
if so, if someone could provide me with his e-mail or snail mail address.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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