sAri, the Indian dress

N. Ganesan naga_ganesan at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 22 12:47:30 UTC 1999

Regarding idol of Ambika, the Jain mother Goddess[2],
I have seen her portrayed only without head cover
(in sculpture).Is there a photograph showing her with
head covered somewhere? Incidentally, N. Ganeshan mentioned
that  Sankara etc, are shown with head covered. Covering
the head was also a convention among Jain Bhattarakas
until recently, as one can see from the photographs.

One example of a mother, like Jain Ambikaa, covering her
head by a veil is in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Pratapaditya Pal published it first time.
See Fig. 88, SkandamAtA from Tanesara-MahAdeva, sixth/early
seventh century. Grey Schist. p. 115, J. C. Harle, The art
and architecture of the Indian subcontinent.
This beautiful sculpture looks Guptan to my eyes. I have other examples too,
but have to search in my library.

I am sure art historians will be able to tell more on the veil like
head covers on early Indian art, Are Rabe, Storm around??
On Sankaracharya's portraits or modern Sankaracharyas,
Shri. Vidyasankar is surely the person.

What is the web address for the list discussing South Asian art
and history?

N. Ganesan

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