[q] iissara & iisvara

Roland Steiner steiner at MAILER.UNI-MARBURG.DE
Mon Dec 20 09:30:17 UTC 1999

On 19 Dec 99, at 15:59, N. Ganesan wrote:

> In the sanskritization of iiza/iiSa/iissara to iizara, how is the
> "v" in iizvara added?
It is not added: Skt. ii"svara > Pkt. issara (Skt. -"sv- > Pkt. -ss-;
assimilation) [or: iisara].
Formation: Skt. ii"s- ``ruling" + Suffix -(t)vara/-(t)vala  (cf. i-
tvara ``going"; kar-vara ``work"; vid-vala ``intelligent"; gah-vara
``deep; depth"; bhaas-vara ``shining"; etc.)

> Are there instances where initial i/I/e gets dropped in IA?
In enclitics, e.g.: Paali va (Skt. iva and eva), ti (iti), daani
(idaaniim); perhaps fixed sandhi forms.

With kind regards,
Roland Steiner

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