La Vallee Poussin, Louis de
Mahoney, Richard B.
Wed Dec 15 02:47:32 UTC 1999
Dear Readers
I'm having trouble tracking down an edition of ZAntideva by La Vallee
Poussin. I've had no success with Harrassowitz - "sorry it is long out of
print and we do not know of reprint plans" - and I'm not sure who to turn
to next. The details are as follows:
La Vallee Poussin, Louis de (ed.)
PrajJAkaramati's Commentary to the BodhicaryAvatAra of ZAntideva, Edited
with Indices (Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1901-14)
I think that the text may be in the "Bibliotheca Indica" series but I'm
not sure.
Does anyone know of a copy which it might be possible to copy or perhaps
even buy?
Many Regards
Richard B Mahoney
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
University of Canterbury
New Zealand
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