Transliteration problems at the Perso-Arabic/Indic interface

Dr Anthony P Stone stone_catend at COMPUSERVE.COM
Thu Dec 9 15:12:39 UTC 1999

In connection with the development of a new international standard for the
transliteration of Indic scripts into Latin characters, there is a problem about
the best way to deal with modified Indic characters representing Perso-Arabic
[P-A] letters.

In Devanagari and Bengali script, five nuqta characters are relatively well
known, but there also exist schemes using up to 14 modified characters for P-A
letters.   These schemes use a variety of graphic forms, and in some schemes the
distinction between certain P-A characters is lost.

I should like to propose a simple solution, in which the transliteration of a
modified Indic character depends largely on the original P-A character.
Because an adequate discussion requires non-Latin scripts, I have put a summary
on the Web at

Doubts have been expressed as to whether it is appropriate for the new
international standard to deal with more than the usual five nuqta characters.
So I should be glad to receive a personal email from anyone who actually feels
the *need* for a solution such as I have proposed.   Other comments will also be

Tony Stone

Dr Anthony P. Stone, Project Leader, ISO/TC46/SC2/WG12 Transliteration of Indic

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