Brahmins and Dalits (was : Jnanasambandar:)

Rajarshi Banerjee rajarshi.banerjee at SMGINC.COM
Wed Dec 8 19:24:13 UTC 1999

- The Magadhan spy system and forced labor camps of Pandit Kautilya on
  the lines of the later Soviet Union seem to have killed millions.

this is idiotic, kautilya's adversaries were rival power brokers and enemy
spies and  soldiers. I dont see how dalits come into the picture. He did
help out Chandragupta who would be classified as a dalit in todays
vocabulary. This phase of history is really poorly documented how does prof
nadar draw all these conclusions and go as far as to compare it with russia.

- The Muslim `invaders' discovered huge quantities of gold hidden in
  Brahmanic temples. This `Brahmin Gold' was the prime source of the
  astronomic wealth of early Indo-Muslim courts; ie. wealth seems to have
  been concentrated in the hands of Brahmins at ca. 1000 AD.

gold and gifts are donated to temples to this day by the rich( not dalits )
it does not harm the dalits. Such gold was not the only livlihood of
brahmans in India. At worst such donations can be termed as a waste of money
unless they are put to good use.

- The famines during Anglo-Brahmin rule killed millions.

Sure brahmans and brits plotted famines which selectively killed only the
dalits. My understanding is famines have affected rural populations more.
But no brahmanas ever lived in villages. they lived near temples with pots
of gold only

>This is a good point. But Prof. Nadar seems to show that it was Pandit
Kautilya who was more to be blamed. For recent exploitation, it seems
Pandit Nehru and his descendants are at fault.
But was not Pandit Kautilya the founder of Communism ? Is not Marxism in
India itself mainly supported by upper castes ?

By prof nadar's rules pandit jinnah should be blamed for poverty in
Maybe pandit kautilya appeared to pandit marx or pandit stalin in a dream.
Who is this prof nadar he really seems to be deluded. Anyway I give up, this
makes no sense anymore.

I believe that for every pandit jayalalitha there is an equal and opposite
prof mayavati. hmm on 2nd thought mayavati maybe a lesser evil.

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