saraswati civilisation

George Thompson GthomGt at CS.COM
Wed Dec 8 12:56:13 UTC 1999

Careful readers will note that I did not say that NO earthly rivers were
identified with the mythical Sarasvati.  No, I said that MANY were.

I quote myself:

"As for the Vedic word, *sa'rasvatI*, it is identical with the Avestan word
*harahvaiti* and the Old Persian word *harahuvati* -- all of which are
adjectives meaning something like  "rich in ponds", and which are liable to
be applied to ANY earthly river whatsoever with the appropriate features.
There never was ONE *sa'rasvatI* on this earth, but rather a number of local

As for the h < s change which preoccupies Vishal Agarwal, since it took place
before the Vedic period it is for present purposes completely irrelevant.

Best wishes,

George Thompson

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