Jnanasambandhar: Nanda Chandran's question

Vishal Agarwal vishalagarwal at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 7 04:33:21 UTC 1999

Nanda Chandran asked:
Date:         Thu, 2 Dec 1999 09:25:14 PST

"In South Indian history, there's an instance where the great Saivite
saint ThirujnAnasampandar is supposed to have converted a king from
Jainism to Saivism. Local tradition uses a word (which I don't
remember)which seems to indicate that many JainA monks were killed following
the conversion. Even KA Neelakanda ShAstri in his, "History of South India",
rejects the possiblity of something like that having actually happened and
suggests that the word must mean something else. " (End of quote)

VA replies:
Section 2.7 of the following URL contains some relevant information.
This still does not contain a direct answer to your question, which only a
Tamizh scholar can address.
Best wishes


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