Munda kinship pattern

Paul Kekai Manansala kekai at JPS.NET
Mon Dec 6 23:30:58 UTC 1999

Richa Pauranik Clements wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Paul Kekai Manansala wrote:
> >
> > I should note that in the area of southern Nepal where the Buddha lived
> > cross cousin marriages are still the rule among many groups, some of
> > them whom though are fairly recent immigrants from the north.
> I would be interested in knowing what groups have cross cousin marriages
> as a rule.  Are these particluar castes?

Many of the so-called Kirati practice cross cousin marriage. I know
personally that this is the case among Magars and Gurungs.

I don't remember the situation among the Tharu. However, the Tharu like
so many other groups in Nepal practice the "asura" form of marriage
which involves a ritual kidnapping of the bride.

No of this occurs, that I know of, among Bahmans and Chetris. However,
even by their own tradition these are rather latecomers to Nepal.

> > Among most  of the indigenous Himalayan speakers, cross cousin marriages
> > are routinely practiced.
> Who are "indigenous Himalayan speakers"?  Is this a reference to tribal
> communities?

Actually, the Bhotiya are Tibetan speakers. There is, if I remember
right, a group of Himalayan speakers I believe in the Himachal region of
India who may still practice polyandry.

Paul Kekai Manansala

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