
Chouhan Electronic Informatics P Ltd. chouhan at BLR.VSNL.NET.IN
Fri Dec 3 15:45:35 UTC 1999

Paladai is a tamil word meaning a feeding cup from very ancient days.
"Pal" meaning milk, "adai" the vessel/cup.
In India, the bottle was never used until recent influxion of the western
The reason was very clear - Hygiene.
Science finally proved that the feeding bottle is unhygienic.
The paladai looks like an oyster shell wide mouth and a narrow pout at one
end to enable free flow without spillage. I wish I can draw a picture for you.
Throughout the southern languages there are names for this like UGGU-Ginni
in telugu, Thottu in Kannada etc.
Dr. R.S.Chouhan

At 12:25 PM 12/3/99 +0100, you wrote:
>1. Can someone provide informations on the paladai? It should be a
>traditional feeding cup for babies in India.
>I am also looking for pictures.
>2. Is there any known connection between feeding of babies and
>lingam/yoni symbols?
>Martin Bemmann
>Heidelberg Academy for the Humanities and Sciences
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>Karlstr. 4  - D-69117 Heidelberg Germany
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