URL of the Indology homepage

IreneMaradei tancredi at OTENET.GR
Thu Dec 2 07:54:16 UTC 1999

Here is a list of URLs on subjects relevant to what is discussed in this
list and other topics of interest (some of the URLs gleaned on the list
itself!), including of course the Indology home page.

Indological pages
-Jambudvipa                  http://www.agora.stm.it/P.Magnone/indology.htm
~Indology.UK    http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ucgadkw/indology.html
-Academic Info Eastern Religions   http://www.academicinfo.net/Eastern.html
-Alain Danielou
 -Middle East Quarterly   http://www.allenpress.com/mieq/index.html
-Indology list homepage: http://www.uclakuk/~ucgadkw/indology.html
-International Journal of Sanskrit Studies mailing list .If you want to
subscribe to the list (avg. 3 msgs per year, free of charge) mail to:
ijts-subscribe at asiatica.org subject and/or body: subscribe
You can submit papers, read abstracts, subscribe on our page

History-Aryan Invasion Theory debate
-http://www.rediff.com/news/jan/23iron.htm ( on date of iron age)
-Itihaas historical site: http://www.itihaas.com
-History of India: http://www.historyofindia.com  (then you choose the
period you want)
-Links to the history of India
-Aryan Invasion Theory :
-`The Bible of Aryan Invasions' by Prof. Uthaya Naidu at
http://dalitstan.org/journal/brahman/bibai/bibai.html (full book)
-http://sarasvati.simplenet.com/resources/Indoaryanproblem.htm an excellent
summary(and bibliographical notes) of Dr. Huben, on the state of the art in
confused evaluation of dates without archaeological evidence of movements of
people or languages and without palaeographic evidence (I mean, epigraphs)
of PIE...
-www.indiaserver.com/thehindu/1999/11/07/stories/13070671.htm Article in
"The Hindu" about Rajesh Kochhar's recent book _The Vedic People: Their
History and Geography_ (Orient Longman, 1999).
-Michael Witzel's (Elect. Journ. of Vedic Studies-Harvard University)home
-Koenraad Elst home page.( Fervent "hindutva " fan. Many articles of his
against A.I.T. )    http://members.xoom.com/KoenraadElst/
-Arun Shourie's column  http://www.indiaconnect.com/prevash5.htm
-Ram Swarup  http://www.hindu.org/publications/ramswarup/index.html
- Anwar Shaikh    http://www.hindutva.org/AnwarShaikh/

-World Association of VEdic Studies  http://www.sunsar.com/waves/
- Dr. Herman Somers   http://users.skynet.be/sky50779/home.htm
-American Institute of Vedic Studies  http://www.vedanet.com/
-Free India (facts, anniversary, opinions): http://www.freeindia.org/
World Archaeological Congress
American Friends of India   http://www.americanfriends.org
Hindu Web Universe   http://www.hindunet.org/
Harappa   http://www.harappa.com
Samacar   http://www.samachar.com
Indiastar.com    http://www.indiastar.com/
Stichting VADA   http://www.vada.nl


Links to India Information: Religion:
The Hindu Universe: Introduction ( by the Global Hindu Electronic Network.
Guide to Hinduism, including the entire text of the Ramayana, Mahabharata
and other scriptures) http://www.hindunet.org/
World Congress of Ethnic Religions     http://www.wcer.org/
HinduismToday  http://www.spiritweb.org/HinduismToday/index.html
Guidance through Gita    http://www.tezcat.com/bnaik/gita/guide.html
Jainism in India: http://www.bangalorenet.com/system1/vinod/
Mirror of India ( illustrated index of major philosphical systems and deitis
in Hinduism):
Mrs Donn's Special Selections: Daily Life Site Index ( educational site
about daily life in Greece, Egypt, Rome, India, China):


Vedam's books( immense selection,online ordering, search facilities)
India Nelines Books http://w.x4all.nl.~netlines/books.html
Findians Paradise: Latest News about books on India
IndiaStar Review of Books  http://www.indiastar.com/
Books from India http://www.edoc.com/jrl-bin/wilma/oth.820731869.html
Sarasu Books http://www.sarasu.hypermart.net
India Internet Book Fair http://www.oscarindia.com/
India Bookhouse&Journals (based in U.S.A.) http://www.indiabookhouse.com
India Books http://www.indiaookstore.com/
India Club  (Indian publishers and distributors)
Oxford Bookstore Gallery (in Calcutta) http://www.oxford-india.com/
Nesma Books India (on spirituality and religion)
Radiff Bookshop (India)
Roli Books (books on India) http://rolibooks.com
Verandah Books http://www.verandah.demon.co.uk
Navneet Publication (children's books) http://www.navneet.com
Asia bookhouse  http://www.wespawner.com/users/ASIABOOKHOUSE/
Bombay's unique philosophy bookshop
India Info: Books  http://indiafocus.indiainfo.com/media/books
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
India Books http://members.tripod.com/adaniel.books.html
Prentice Hall of India http://www.phindia.com
Manohar Books-India http://members.tripod.com/ravindrapc/Books.html
India Search Worldwide http://hindustan.net/Culture/Books/
Search Engine for India http://search.keralanadu.com/Books_and_Periodicals/
Indian Imprint http://www.bookindia.com
Music of India: Books (books on Indian music)  OOPS! I didn't write down the
Virginia University Library
History, religion, philosophy, ayurveda  http://www.Ipppindia.com/
Indus books (online ordering) http://www.teleport.com/~indus/
Books on Jainism http://www.ddb.com/~raphael/jain-list/resoffs.html

Tamil culture

Learn spoken Tamil   http://www.iupui.edu/rravindr/learn.html
A collection of Tamil-related web pages
The Tennessee Tamil Server   http://tamil.math.utk.edu/

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