JSAWS Vol. 5, No. 1 (Aug. 27, 1999)
Enrica Garzilli
garzilli at SHORE.NET
Sat Aug 28 04:15:11 UTC 1999
Dear Colleagues,
I am glad to inform you that you can read the *Journal of South Asia
Women Studies* Vol. 5, no. 1 on our WWW page http://www.asiatica.org/
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NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: The *Asiatica Association *
*Gender Equity Restricted: Indian Demographic Transition Delayed*, by
William M. Alexander
* Eurogamy as Racism Among South Asian Women: A Consequence of
Euro-Western Domination *, by Ronald E. Hall
NEW TITLES: * Asian Women in the Information Age. New Communication
Technology, Democracy, and Women*, ed. by Ila Joshi, Singapore: Asian
Media Information and Communication Centre, s.d. Pp. VII+ 205. ISBN
9971-905-72-3 (E.G.)
*Gender Equity Restricted: Indian Demographic Transition Delayed*, by
William M. Alexander
India combines an ecosystem condition of limited resources pro capita
and a strong emphases on the value of male lineage causing fatal
daughter syndrome and an abnormally low ratio of females to males.
Kerala is one state within India without fatal daughter syndrome, where
the ratio of females to males is normal, and the demographic transition
is nearly complete. Matrilineage in Kerala supports gender equity while
patrilineage in India does not. Inasmuch as Kerala has shared with India
the consequences of low resources pro capita without an emphasis on the
value of male lineage, restrictions on gender equity in India can
explain the delay of the Indian demographic transition.
* * * * *
*Eurogamy as Racism among South Asian Women: A Consequence of
Euro/Western Assimilation*, by Ronald E. Hall
A black/white dichotomy has historically dominated the concept of
Western racism. South Asian women, and other people of color, are
consistently portrayed as victim and those of European descent, as
perpetrators. In fact, following years of Euro/Western domination, South
Asian women act out racist behaviors vis-a-vis eurogamy. Eurogamy is a
form of selective exogamy, whereby men of European descent are
idealized. In an effort to assimilate, South Asian women then act out
racist behaviors by assuming the psychological demeanor of their
Euro/Western oppressors. The inability of scholars to acknowledge its
existence is reinforcing. Resolution will require a more encompassing
perspective of racism and South Asian women dialogue should confront
this issue directly.
Happy reading!
Dr. Enrica Garzilli University of Perugia (ITALY)
Istituto di Linguistica Piazza Morlacchi, 11
06123 Perugia Tel./Fax: +39-75-585 3755 (office)
Intl. Journ. of Tantric Studies, Journal of S. Asia Women Studies
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