Hyderbad and Mysore

Prof P Kumar kumar at PIXIE.UDW.AC.ZA
Thu Apr 1 08:05:17 UTC 1999

If you are looking for Agamas in Mysore area there is a place called
Melkote about less than an hour by bus from Mysore. They have some Agama
manuscripts; there are some in the Tirupati Kendriya VidyapiTa in Tirupati,
and in Madras area which is not far from Tirupati you can check with Adyar
library who have published quite a few manuscripts related to Pancaratra
aagamas. In Hyderabad I don't have exact name of the place, but if you go
to the Philosophy department of the Osmania University, someone will direct
you to the sources. One caution, most South Indian manuscripts are either
in Telugu or Grantha Tamil script and not necessarily in Devanaagari

Good luck,


>Open letter,
>I am a graduate student of Indology in Canada and want information regarding
>institutes at both Hyderbad and Mysore, i.e., addresses and names of
>institutions, for the purposes of researching Sanskrit source materials
>(puranas, agamas, etc.).  I understand there are excellent libraries at both
>cities but am without the information needed to apply to the given
>institutions.  Any help in this direction or other relevant information
>would be most appreciated.
>Benjy Fleming

Prof. P. Kumar (Head of Dept)
Department of Science of Religion
University of Durban-Westivlle
Private BagX54001
South Africa
Tel: 027-31-204-4539 (work)
Fax: 027-31-204-4160 (work)
Email: kumar at pixie.udw.ac.za

Director of the 18th Quinquennial Congress of the IAHR Durban- August 5-12 2000
For more info on the Congress please see:

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