TOC: Volume 2, Number 2 (forthcoming)

Sushil Mittal smittal at RELIGION.UFL.EDU
Wed Sep 30 16:41:52 UTC 1998

                 International Journal of Hindu Studies

                        Volume 2, Number 2, 1998


Relocating Ramarajya:
        Perspectives on Sita's Kitchen in Ayodhya
        Phyllis Herman, California State University Northridge

A message without an audience:
        Svami Rama Tirtha's "Practical Vedanta"
        Robin Rinehart, Lafayette College

Hindus at the edge:
        Self-awareness among adult children of interfaith marriages
        in Chennai, south India
        Mattison Mines, University of California Santa Barbara

The Gurav Jati Puranas
        Jayant Bapat, Monash University

Indianization versus Sanskritization in Javanese Law
        Mason C. Hoadley, Lund University



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