
Prof P Kumar kumar at PIXIE.UDW.AC.ZA
Wed Sep 30 07:53:58 UTC 1998

Dear Prof.Wujastyk,
I take your point and thank you for clarifying. As I said in my previous
message I did not mean to be critical but just wondered if there is some
way of distinguishing commercial matters from useful information. But my
sincere apologies to you for any misunderstanding that I might have created
in this matter. I surely appreciate your personal effort in going through
the trouble of offering this service to us as scholars.


Prof. P. Kumar (Head of Dept)
Department of Science of Religion
University of Durban-Westivlle
Private BagX54001
South Africa
Tel: 027-31-204-4539 (work)
Fax: 027-31-204-4160 (work)
Email: kumar at pixie.udw.ac.za

Director of the 18th Quinquennial Congress of the IAHR Durban- August 5-12 2000
For more info on the Congress please see:

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