[Devi-mahatmya] and writing diacriticals in ASCII

Dr.S.Kalyanaraman kalyan99 at NETSCAPE.NET
Mon Sep 28 16:28:02 UTC 1998

Tim Cahill wrote: [snip]> Finally, note that in giving names and titles I
dispense with diacritical> conventions, hoping that we all can supply these in
cases such as> Ramayana, Markandeya Purana and the like. I urge others to
consider> following suit, since reading things like kRSNa tires my eyes. (Of
course,> for textual passages we have no choice...)>

A comment on writing Indian scripts using email text. While Harvard and Kyodo
have a joint convention using capitals for sounds such as N R S T...
I have found a simpler method and less of a strain on the eyes. Following the
earlier transliteration practices of affixing diacritical marks on tops of the
english alphabet, I sugges the following simple rule (which I have used for
the entire Indian Lexicon at the Sarasvati web):

Affix the diacritical following the english alphabet.

For example, 
A can be written as a_
S as s.
z as s'
N as n.
T as t.
R as r.
A half-nasal Hindi haa:n as ha~_ Tamil ZH as r..

Best regards,

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