Indus Script

S Krishna mahadevasiva at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 18 21:20:51 UTC 1998

Domique Thillaud writes:

>>For more recent comments to the Indus Script decipherment problem see:

  A few comments about the site and a few questions:

1. Whatever be N.s.Rajaram's other faults, humility does not seem to
figure among them....It sure takes a lot of self-confidence to put
oneself in the same category of people as Jacobi et al...To suggest that
Georg Feuerstein and JAcobi are "co-workers" is obviously
insulting to the later.....

2. Rajaram claims that Jacobi the mathematician was influenced by Vedic
mathematics...Has anybody seen this elsewhere? I've read about the life
of Jacobi in three different places but donot remember seeing any such
thing there...

3. Rajaram refers to Kosambi's work and the class theory etc etc...
Where does Kosambi use class theory to justify Aryan invasion or
migration? AFAIK, he uses the "class theory" to bash and beat up
the quality of Samskrt poetry written in the 6th-12th centuries..
In fact, Ingalls who edited the "zubhAzitaratnakOSa:" with Kosambi also
points this out and expresses his disagreement with the same..
Kosambi's dating of the gItA( where he differs from others) is based
mainly on grammatical analysis and has nothing to do with "class
theory"..I really am interested in knowing where Kosambi uses class
theory to support AIT, though he does quote Marx frequently on the high
no of invasions into India....

4. He mentions Natwar Jha's "breakthrough" in the decipherment of
the IV Script...From what I have seen of Mahadevan's review, there
seemed to be no such "breakthrough" fact Mahadevan points out
basic fallacies like confusion between sound-values because of
orthographical resemblence ( i.e. what I mean is that the symbol "S"
would suggest "s" to somebody who knows only the Roman script, the
letter "ka" to somebody who knows only the Telugu script("S" with a hat
on the top is the Telugu symbol for "ka") and a "sandhi" for somebody
who knows only the "nAgri" script( i.e: ka:+ ayam = koSyam)
..apparently Jha as well as Kak believe that if a symbol bares any
resemblance to a Devanagri symbol, then their pronounciation is the

5. He mentions Shriram Sathe's finding that the Christians wanting to
get rid of Judaic ancestry or whatever...That argument takes the cake as
well as the icing... I know that in the 18th century there were works
which portrayed Islam as being a "better" religion than Christianity
(Voltaire, if I remember correctly, authored one of these works)but at
no stage was there any attempt to rid Christianity of Judaic roots....

6. Rajaram takes a swipe at Christian mythology which says that the
world came into being at 9:00 in the morning and notes that the time
zone remains unspecified( giggle, giggle)....What he does not seem to
know is that the same Shriram Sathe says that Rama brought back Sita
to Ayodhya from Lanka in the year 7747 BC( or sometime around that)..
He does not give us the time and does not specify whether Rama was using
Srilankan standard time or Indian standard time or Bangladeshi standard
time....more importantly since Rajaram believes that there is no
difference between  mythology and history, he should know that Lava and
Kusa are still unborn and Rama still has to perform the azvamedhayagna
since he is supposed to have lived for 10,000 years
(he brought back sita 7500+ years ago according to Sathe, so atleast
2,400 years of Rama's reign still remain....).

As always, I welcome comments, corrections and answers...


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