Dhvanyaaloka quote

Enrica Garzilli garzilli at SHORE.NET
Tue Sep 15 13:52:16 UTC 1998

N. Ganesan wrote:
> The DhvanyAloka of Aanandavardhana with the Locana of Abhinavagupta,
> Harvard univ. press, 1990, p. 343 gives
> 2.27f
> "Anandavardhana: An example of the poetic suggestion of fancy
> (utprek.saadhvani) is this:
>        In spring the Malabar wind,
>        swollen by the breathing of snakes
>        that encircle sandalwood trees,
>        makes travelors swoon.
> For in this example the capacity of the Malabar wind to cause
> travelors to swoon in spring is [actually] due to its stimulation
> of love. But this capacity is fancied (utprek.sita) to be due to
> the swelling of the wind by the poisonous breath of snakes wrapped
> around the sandalwood trees [of Malabar]."
> Can someone please give the sanskrit original? Is this
> poem by Anandavardhana himself or a different author/work or
> anonymous?
> The Malaya breeze occuring in sanskrit poems especially
> in love situations anywhere will be appreciated.
> Does Kalidasa or Subhaa.sitaratnako.sa use Malaya breeze
> in general love descriptions or in more specific vipralambha
> situations? I found two more instances: Da.n.din and Jayadeva.
> With kind regards,
> N. Ganesan
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Also V. Mazzarino, *DhvanyAloka. I principi dello dhvani*, Turin 1983,
gives a slighly different transl. In fn. 101 she writes that the source
of this verse is unknown. However, this is a topos in Indian Literature.
Dr. Enrica Garzilli                 University of Perugia (ITALY)
Istituto di Linguistica                      Piazza Morlacchi, 11
06123 Perugia                  Tel./Fax: +39-75-585 3755 (office)
Intl. Journ. of Tantric Studies, Journal of S. Asia Women Studies

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