A question on viSNu and dadhIchi - Pauranik references
Shikaripura Harihareswara
Tue Sep 15 06:06:02 UTC 1998
Dear Prof Palaniappan,
The story of viShNu and dadhIchi, including the
sudarshana chakra becoming blunt/powerless,
appears in purANas:
For example:
Linga Purana - Dadhicha (also known as Dadhichi) episode.
Incidentally, if you would like to dig into the origin of
A. the bladed discus, sudarshana:
1 samudra-mathana episode appears in several puranas,
such as:
matsya purana
vishnu purana, and
bhagavata purana,
but, it is in Brahma-vaivartha Purana, mention is made
about the first appearnce of Sudarshana Chakra while
the ocean was churned, after the horse uchchaishravas,
the elephant aitAvata and just before Lakshmi appeared
there from the great ocean.
2. Vishvakarma creates the discus weapon out of the dust
of the Sun. (Vishnu Purana Amsha 3, Chapter 2.)
3. Mahabharata makes Agni to give Sudarshana Chakra to
Sri Krishna after Khandava-vana- dahana ( and GanDhIva
bow to Arjuna)
4 The power of Sudarshana chakra used by Mahavishnu is
narrated in Mahabharata Adiparva, chapter 19.
B. Dadhichi:
1 Son of the sage Bhrigu. ( Mahabharata, Shalya Parva, 51.83)
2 Son of Shanti or Chitti (Kardama's daughter)& Atharva
(brahma's mAnasa pitra) (Brahma Purana)
3 Had a son by name Pippilada in Suvarcha (born after
Dadhichi died.) .
4 Dadhichi's story appears in Rigveda 1:13:84, where he helps
Indra ( and other Devas)
4 Dadhichi's helping nature, to the extent of sacrificing himself
for a cause he considers worthy- appears in various Puranas,
such as: Bhagavata, Brahma, Skanda, Shiva, Devi Bhagavata etc
8412 Fontenay Way,
Stockton, CA 95210-5237
===================YOU WROTE==========
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 21:31:38 EDT
From: Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan <Palaniappa at AOL.COM>
Subject: a question on viSNu and dadhIchi
The Tamil kantapurANam refers to a story where viSNu tries to attack dadhIchi
with his discus but the discus loses its sharp edge and turns harmless as a
potter's wheel. I would like to know more details of this story and references
from the Sanskrit side.
S. Palaniappan
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