OCR of (transcribed) indic texts

Rolf Koch roheko at T-ONLINE.DE
Wed Nov 25 12:06:48 UTC 1998

I use an old version of the program RECOGNITA. Only this old one allows it
to change the recogn.fon-file. Using a programm to edit FON-files I could
change the model for the whole RECOGNITA programm. Now the programm can read
all Indian diacritics like N. M etc. The latest versions of RECOGNITA never
uses FON either TTF files, so it is never possible to use it for our
purposes. In any way the old RECOGNITA with the edited FON-file (that is the
model for the OCR process) works well, for example I am scanning at the
moment books like DIE LEHRE DER JAINAS from Schubring. It is not possible to
copy the  RECOGNITA programm. Search in the INTERNET for this company. Ask
for an old version with an editable FON-file (recogn.fon is the exact name).
You may also change this file in a way to read devanagari-manuscripts.

roheko at t-online.de

Juergen Neuss wrote:

> Dear list-members,
> maybe some of you are aware of the difficulties which arise if one wants
> to scan transcribed (not to speak of original) indic texts. Of course
> the scanning itself is not the problem but the subsequent transformation
> of the image-file into a text-file by means of OCR (Optical character
> recognition) programs. These programs often do recognise only the usual
> set of ASCII-characters. Some of them include extended features ehich
> means that in certain cases the user may direct the program to read a
> certain difficult character in a certain way. As far as I know
> diacritical signs are a problem for at least most of these programs. If
> anyone of you has experience with OCR programs in this respect I would
> be grateful for your recommendations. Moreover I would like to know
> whether there are any OCR programs available which recognise Indian
> characters of any kind. I hope this message does not provoke any
> response which violates the non-commercial spirit of this list.
> Thanks for reading.
> jn
> --
> jneuss at zedat.fu-berlin.de
> Juergen Neuss
> Freie Universitaet Berlin
> Institut für Indische Philologie und Kunstgeschichte
> Königin-Luise-Str. 34a
> 14195 Berlin

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