Post in Bochum

Harry Falk falk at ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE
Fri Nov 20 18:51:16 UTC 1998

This may be of interest to some of you:
(I give the gist of  the ad as it is in the original, since a full grasp
German is required anyway):

Professur (C3) für Indologie
zum 1.10.2000
Erwartet wird eine breite, philologisch fundierte Vertretung des Faches
Indologie. Bewerberinnen (males included) sollten bereit sein, die
"Religion, Philosophie, Recht und Gesellschaft unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Islam and Hindu-
"Rezeption und Darstellung Indiens in Europa"
in Kooperation etc... zu vertreten.
Voraussetzung: Habilitation oder Gleichwertiges.
Frauen ....etc
Schwerbehinderte... etc
"Übliche Unterlagen" plus Verzeichnis der abgehaltenen
sowie 1 Exemplar aller Publikationen
zum 20.12.98
Dekan der Fakultät für Philologie
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44780 Bochum

Christopher Fynn schrieb:

> Subscribers to INDOLOGY who use diacritics for Romanised Indic
> text on their web sites (or with Word '97) may be interested
> looking at a page I've written on using these characters in
> HTML 4.0 with the ISO/IEC 10646 character set:
> <>
> Regards
> - Chris
> P.S. although I've been very careful on that page to use only
> plain HTML 4.0, with no non-standard tags, and verified it -
> Netscape 4 occasionally seems to have problems with this page.
> IE 4 works fine.
> If you have a browser which doesn't understand HTML 4.0
> tags you should still be able to load the page, though
> you won't see the Unicode characters used in the tables
> properly.
> --
> <cfynn at>

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