Audio RV

K. S. Arjunwadkar panini at PN2.VSNL.NET.IN
Mon Nov 9 08:21:38 UTC 1998

At 04:29 PM 11/8/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I'd appreciate your advice on how to get the Rg Veda, or parts thereof, on
>CD or audio cassettes.
>Beatrice Reusch
>University of California, Berkeley

> From    "K. S. Arjunwadkar" <panini at>
To      Beatrice Reusch
                University of California, Berkeley

Nov 9, 1998

Dear Member,
I can direct you to

Secretary, Vedashastrottejak Sabha
2046 Sadashiv Peth, Opp. Sanas Ground
PUNE 411 030, India

for your need of audio cassettes of Vedic recitation.
If I succeed in getting more details sooner, I shall e-mail them in
Indology, unless you give me your e-mail address.
Best wishes.

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