E-text for ;Slokavaarttika etc.

Birgit Kellner kellner at IPC.HIROSHIMA-U.AC.JP
Fri May 29 13:26:59 UTC 1998

Elliot Stern asked me, via private e-mail, why Ashok Aklujkar thanks me
via INDOLOGY, for providing information on e-texts, even though I did
not post any such information to the list. The answer is simple: I
forwarded information to Ashok about e-texts which I know to exist, yet
not in the public domain, with additional information as to whom to
contact in order to find out more. As I myself am not the person in
charge of these files, I am not in a position to make any public
announcements. However, once certain aspects regards copyright and such
are clarified, I am sure the relevant information will duly be announced
on Indology, and the e-texts will be made publicly accessible. I
personally hope that this will happen soon, for in my opinion, it is
important to make as many e-texts publicly accessible as possible, and
not just circulate them somewhere behind the curtains.

Additional information as regards manuscripts and critical editions of
Kumaarila's texts which I forwarded to Ashok was: I know that Omae
Futoshi (presently in Shimane, Japan) has gathered a considerable amount
of Miimaam.saa-manuscripts, but I don't know what he intends to do with
them. My former PhD-colleague in Hiroshima, Uno Tomoyuki (currently
working with Richard Hayes in Montreal) edited and translated (into
Japanese) sections of 'SV aatmavaada, together with Sucarita's
Kaa'sikaa, and Paarthasaarathi's Nyaayaratnaakaara. I believe that he
currently continues his work on the kaarikaas.

Also, in the appendix to my own study of the Buddhist critique of
Kumaarila's abhaavapramaan.a (in German, "Nichts bleibt nichts", Vienna
1997: Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 39), I have
listed all variant readings of 'SV abhaavavaada which I came across in
Buddhist, Jaina or Nyaaya-Vai'see.sika texts. I plan to put a file of
the kaarikaas of this particular chapter up on my homepage, and will
post a message to the list once that happens - some time soon ...

best wishes,

birgit kellner
department for indian philosophy
hiroshima university

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