literature on commentaries

John Dunne John.Dunne at ORIENT.UNIL.CH
Fri May 22 08:36:51 UTC 1998

Just a quick note...

Filed forlornly in a weathered manila folder somewhere in distant Cambridge
is a photocopy of what was then a work in progress: a textbook on Sanskrit
commentarial style prepared by Gary Tubb (with Emory Boose?). Although it's
been quite some time since I've looked at it, my recollection is that it
offered both general and extremely specific discussions on  styles of
commentary. Much of the book was dedicated to explaining specific
commentarial conventions, along with terms from ala.mkaara'saastra, etc. I
don't know whether Gary ever finished the work (are you out there Gary?),
or whether it has been published, but I found it quite useful.


John Dunne


John Dunne
Section de langues et civilisations orientales
Université de Lausanne

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