Brhadaranyaka Upanisad III. ii .12

winnie fellows winnie.fellows at UNIKEY.COM.BR
Fri May 22 01:26:48 UTC 1998

>>Edgard Leite wrote:-
>>>Dear Friends
>>>Could someone explain the meaning of the passage of Br.Up. III.ii,12?
>>>What's the meaning of the sentence "anantam vai nAma"?
>>>Best wishes
>>>Edgard Leite
>>>Rio de Janeiro State University
>>> "( The ) name is indeed imortal( endless )l". Name here stands for some
sort of
>>essence-category behind or beyond form ( rUpa ) in the sense that it will
>>after death or disaperance of what is manifested.
>>Jesualdo Correia
>>jesualdocorreia at

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