Roots of Ayurveda

F. Smith fsmith at BLUE.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU
Mon May 11 14:51:14 UTC 1998


Yes, I have also had trouble ordering it. I was referred to one book
importer in this country that specializes in imported books, but they too
said it was impossible for them. If nobody out there has done this
already, I will contact Jerry Barrier at South Asia Books. It is likely
that he can get copies of it.

Fred Smith

On Mon, 11 May 1998, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:

> A number of friends have kindly contacted me to say that they are having
> difficulty getting my book from local bookshops.  Apparently Penguin
> outside India is not willing to supply Indian-published Penguin books
> (I'd be glad to hear people's experiences in this area, especially
> counter-examples.)
> If you wish to order Indian Penguin books directly from the publishers in
> India, you can send your requests
> by email to
>         penguin at
> or by fax to
>         +91 11 623 4250 for
> All the best,
> Dominik
> --
> Dr Dominik Wujastyk,                FAX:        +44 171 611 8545
> Wellcome Institute for              URL:
>   the History of Medicine,          Email:      d.wujastyk at
> Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road,    Trust URL:
> London NW1 2BE, England.

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