Meenakshi kalyaaNam
narayana at HD1.VSNL.NET.IN
Tue May 5 03:03:43 UTC 1998
At 05:38 PM 5/4/98 -0400, you wrote:
>3) John J. Banninga, The marriage of the gods,
>National Geographic, 24, p. 1314-1330, 1913.
>(A nonessntial svayapuraaNic anecdote:
>This reference I found out.
>About this 85 year old article full of
>a century old photographs, Bill was pleased to know in 1987)
>Dear Dr. Ganesan:
>I have the above material in *.jpg file format. It can be opened in any
>browser and printed out. If you would like to have these files, please email
>me privately and I'll send them to you.
I am interested in the above article. Will it be possible you to send these
*.jpg files to me.
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