Indo-Aryan im/e-migration (scholarly debate)

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at WXS.NL
Mon May 4 15:21:42 UTC 1998

"Jan E.M. Houben" <JHOUBEN at RULLET.LEIDENUNIV.NL> wrote:

>Parpola presents:
>. . . domesticated horse, wheeled vehicles, stockbreeding and limited
>horticulture, spread from the Ukraine eastwards over the vast grasslands.
>The Proto-Aryan word for 'horse' aZva . . . is clearly a Proto-Indo-European
>. . .
>The horse and chariot can thus with good reasons be expected to be physically
>and ideologically present in the archaeological cultures identified as Aryan.
>This is the case in the Gurgan culture of northern Iran, with the chariot seal
>of Tepe Tissar . . in the Bactria and Margiana Archaeological Complex . . .

While the *absence* of domesticated horse can be construed as a
strong indication that the culture was not Aryan (given the word
aZva), it does not work the other way: the *presence* of domesticated
horse in itself proves nothing.  Even if we ascribe the domestication
of the horse to Indo-Europeans (and there can be little doubt IMHO
that the Srednij Stog culture *was* IE-speaking), there was nothing
to stop linguistically non-IE groups to adopt the horse as a
domesticate (we know the Sumerians, Akadians, Hurrians and Egyptians

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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