Indo-Aryan migration vs Indigenous origin - scholarly debate

Thu Mar 26 18:06:22 UTC 1998

Upon netsurfing, I found an interesting website of
NRIs. It is at It has
nice poems (eg., on Nataraja of Chidambaram by
a girl born in US), articles (An Indian engineer/scientist's
life in USA by Kollengode Venkataraman, Indian Roads by
Palaniswami of Hinduism Today, ..)

It hosts glorious reviews of books by S. C. Kak (faculty
in electrical engg., at Louisiana state university),
David Frawley, etc., of Indigenous Aryan school.

What is interesting is the Bookforum where issues on
Ancient India are discussed by indigenous Aryan schoolers.
Samplers of recent postings by Sri. Subrahmanya who
writes in Indology on his views of linguistics, apparent
non-distictions between kannada/telugu and sanskrit
and Dr. S. C. Kak are given below.

It will be interesting to see the archives for 1997 and 1996.
Only 1998 is there at bookforum.

N. Ganesan

> From bookforum:

 Subject: Re: Indian art
    From: Subrahmanya
    To: Subhash Kak
    Forum: IndiaBooksForum:
    Date: Fri, Mar 06, 1998

        The seated yogic figure with animals on the Gundestrup
        cauldron so very closely resembles the seal from the
        Indus-Sarasavati region which is identified to be
        a so called Dravidian god!!!!.
        It is really fascinating that how much Celtic imagery
        resembles Indus-Sarasvati seals.

 Subject: Ancient India
    From: Subhash Kak
    Forum: IndiaBooksForum:
    Date: Tues, Mar 17, 1998

        Just wished to bring to your attention that exciting new
        findings have been made regarding ancient Indian rock art.
        These prehistoric paintings and drawings go back to 40000
        BP (before present). There are aspects in these sketches
        which show up later in the Harappan seal art.

        For those who would like to get acquainted with the
        literature, see ROCK ART IN THE OLD WORLD, edited by
        Michel Lorblanchet (1992).

        It appears that even our views regarding the formation of
        the Indus-Sarasvati civilization may be in for a major

        -Subhash Kak


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