Grantha primer

Mon Jun 29 15:44:54 UTC 1998

A Primer in Grantha Characters by K. Venugopalan is not a reprint, but a
first edition.

I inquired today at South Asia Books and found they still have 10 copies in
stock.  The original price was $1.50.  Please contact South Asia Books for
more information.

          South Asia Books
          P.O. Box 502
          Columbia, Missouri 65205 USA
          phone:        573-474-0116
          fax:  573-474-8124
          email:        sab at

Alternatively, Motilal Banarsidass may still have copies in Delhi.  They
have the beginnings of a site at <>.

James Nye
Bibliographer for Southern Asia
University of Chicago

At 06:58 AM 6/29/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 17:36:18 +0000
>From: Jean-Luc CHEVILLARD <jlc at CCR.JUSSIEU.FR>
>Subject: Re: Grantha characters
>A 16:40 27/06/98 +0100,
>vous (Jacob Baltuch <jacob.baltuch at EURONET.BE>) avez =E9crit :
>>Also, how does one get 1983 J.H.Nye's reprint of K.Venugopalan's
>>Primer? (When was that originally published?)
>The cover page says:
>A primer in Grantha Characters
>K. Venugopalam


>The primer itself has 14 pages
>Best wishes
>-- Jean-Luc CHEVILLARD (Paris)

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