An old question

Allen W Thrasher athr at LOC.GOV
Tue Jul 14 13:27:57 UTC 1998

Robert Zydenbos said:

"In his little book _Lateinisches Mittelalter:
Einleitung in Sprache und Literatur_ Karl Langosch wrote about mediaeval
Latin as the European "father tongue" ("Vatersprache", next to
"Muttersprache"), which I think is a beautiful and accurate expression.
Sanskrit is the Indian Vatersprache. And are fathers less 'living' than

Walter Ong throughout his works has a lot of valuable information and
insight on learned languages as part of male socialization, taught in
circumstances of separation from mothers and other females, and with
considerable infliction of corporal pain, and so not unlike male initiation
rituals in 'tribal' societies.

Allen Thrasher

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